There are two main steroid cycles that you can run in bodybuilding and cutting is one of such cycles. Cutting involves a process of shedding excessive body fat and weight as well as gaining lean muscle mass through a training program that entails proper dieting, a workout regimen and steroid use.
However, not every steroid is designed specifically for running a cutting cycle. Although there are some steroids like Trenbolone Acetate or Tren that are great for running both bulking and cutting.
Tren is also one of the safest steroids for cutting, others include; Deca Durabolin or simply Deca, Winstrol, Clenbuterol or Clen and Testosterone Enanthate or Test.
But what makes these the safest and best steroids for cutting?
Steroids for Cutting Cycles
#1: Clen:
Clen was designed for use as a bronchodilator to help people with breathing disorders, such as sympathomimetic amine and asthma. However, Clen is a popular performance enhancing drug and great for running a cutting cycle. Clen has great thermogenic properties and will raise your core body temperature, boost your metabolic rate and cause you to burn excess fat.
#2: Deca:
Deca is one of the safest steroids for cutting especially for novice bodybuilders. This anabolic steroid aids body fat repartitioning, an increased production of oxygen carrying red blood cells, protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles and also promotes rapid lean muscle development.
Check out Deca-durabolin range
#3: Testosterone Enanthate or “Test”:
Test is a synthetic testosterone hormone and is recommended in any steroid stack. The best steroid cycle for cutting usually involves the use of Test as a standalone or in a stack of steroids. When Test is used, your natural production of testosterone will be suppressed and replaced with synthetic testosterone.
Check out Testosterone Enanthate range
#4: Tren:
Trenbolone Acetate or Tren is one of the safest steroids for cutting. Tren increases your rate of metabolism, thereby causing you to lose weight. But Tren will help to maintain your well-toned, lean muscle gains. Bodybuilders tend to rely on Tren in running a cutting cycle in preparation for a competitive event. Tren is powerful in a standalone cutting cycle offering energy, strength, stamina, endurance and quick recovery from muscle-based injury.
#5: Winstrol:
Winstrol works effectively in running a cutting cycle when it is stacked with other steroids. This steroid will raise your red blood cell production, providing your muscles with oxygen rich blood and giving you improved strength, stamina and endurance. Winstrol also helps in developing and maintaining lean muscles.
The Safest and Best Steroid Cycle for Cutting
1. Clen cycle:
A typical Clen cycle for bodybuilders would entail using the drug for two weeks, then taking a two week break. For safety, you begin with the lowest possible dosage, then gradually increase the dose over the 14 day period. Once the 14 day period of use is over, you will need to give yourself a two weeks recovery period. After the two week break, you resume the Clen cycle by taking the last dosage before you went on the 14 day break provided your peak tolerance level has not been attained.
Clen dosage for men:
- Start with 40 mg rising up to 140 mcg.
Clen dosage for women:
- Start with 20 mcg rising to 100 mcg.
2. Deca Cycle:
For a cutting cycle, 200 mg of Deca should be used every week for 6 weeks. Two injections each with 100 mg of Deca should be administered intramuscularly in a week.
Deca can also be stacked with Test. You should use 400 mg (Deca) and 500 mg (Test) weekly for 10 weeks. However, you should not take any steroids for 3 weeks (11th, 12th and 13th week) and you should begin PCT from week 14 and run this program until week 17.
3. Test cycle:
Test offers one of the best steroid cycle for cutting with 300 to 500 mg of Test recommended weekly for a 10 week period. However, in order to get your natural testosterone production up and running, you should have two weeks of Post-Cycle therapy (PCT) from week thirteen to week fifteen. You should not use Test on week 11 and 12, this time should be allowed for recovery before PCT.
4. Tren cycle:
You should run a standalone Tren Ace cycle for 8 weeks. You can also run a Tren cycle with Test for this length of time with 300 mg (Tren) and 400 mg (Test) per week. You may also stack Tren with Winstrol, but under the recommendation of a qualified trainer or health and fitness expert.
5. Winstrol cycle:
Winstrol is one of the safest and most effective oral steroids for cutting available. Winstrol will not turn to oestrogen when in your body, therefore male bodybuilding running a Winstrol cycle is not at risk of having male boobs.
In addition, Winstrol has a low hepatotoxicity, which makes this steroid safe for your liver. A daily dosage of 50 mg spread across a 5 week period is recommended. However, this should immediately be accompanied by 3 weeks of PCT.
In Closing
A quick mention should be made of Dbol. This steroid helps with protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in your muscles to enhance muscle growth, strength and stamina. However, Dbol has a high hepatotoxicity which makes it extremely dangerous to your liver if short cycles are not run and where liver protection drugs are not taken along with it.
In running a Dbol cycle, you also stand a high risk of water retention which does not make it one of the best steroids for cutting. While steroids can help you to lose weight when you run a cutting cycle, you should never ignore the importance of a good cutting diet and a well coordinated training program. It is equally necessary for you to run a dietary plan that has been drawn up specifically for your needs and by a qualified dietician.
Finally, you should also endeavor to consult with an experienced trainer before you start running any steroid cycle.
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