Best Steroid Cycles for Muscle Gain and Bulking

I am yet to meet one bodybuilder at my gym who does not want to build their muscles. It is like looking for a fish that does not like water. Indeed it is such a rarity to find someone in strength-based sport that does not desire muscle gains or well-defined muscle mass. However, not everyone knows how to go about achieving the kind of muscles that would make even vintage Arnold Schwarzenegger jealous, well just a bit!

There are obviously steroids for bulking that many bodybuilders are already aware of, but what they may not be too sure about, is the best steroid cycle for muscle gain that works for them (this is the most important point). You should know that what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you.

So before you begin popping those roid pills or sticking needles into your muscles, you need to consult with an expert or a more experienced bodybuilder to help map out a steroid cycle and training program that is peculiar to your bulking needs.

However, in this post I have listed what I believe to be the best steroids for bulking. In addition, I have also provided the best steroid cycles for both beginners and more experienced bodybuilders.

So without further ado, let’s begin, shall we?


Best Beginner Bodybuilder Steroids for Bulking

If you are new to the exciting world of bodybuilding and you want to get started with using juice to bulk up your muscles, here are four roid cycles that are ideal for beginners .

These cycles do not carry much risk and the side effects from the roids are mild (provided you keep to the recommended doses). While these steroids will suppress your natural production of testosterone (which is normal with steroids), you can recover your normal hormonal levels with a proper post-cycle therapy.

The best beginner bodybuilder steroids for bulking and their respective standalone cycles include:

#1: Dianabol (Dbol):

Dbol will provide you with synthetic testosterone to give you more energy and stamina. You will be able to spend more time in the gym training really hard to build muscle mass. I recommend you use between 30 to 50 mg of this oral steroid daily and for a period of 6 weeks.

Check out Dianabol range


#2: Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan):

Primobolan Depot is an injectable anabolic-androgenic steroid that is injected directly into your muscles for quick results. You should use 400 mg of Primobolan per week for an 8 week cycle.

Check out Primobolan range


#3: Testosterone Enanthate (Test):

Test is a synthetic derivative of your naturally generated testosterone hormone. Use a weekly dose of 500 mg for an 8 week cycle for improvements in your muscle mass and overall strength.

Check out Testosterone Enanthate range


#4: Turinabol (Tbol):

Tbol is another orally administered androgenic-anabolic steroid that can help provide you with significant muscle mass gains. Similar to Dbol, you should use between 30 to 50 mg of Tbol daily for a 9 week cycle.

Check out Turinabol range


#5: Dbol and Deca Stack

There are also some beginner stacks that you can try out. The most popular are Dianabol (Dbol) and Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). This steroid stack should run for 10 weeks with 400 mg of Deca administered intramuscularly while 10 mg of Dbol per day is taken orally in week 3 and 4, then stepped up upto 20 mg per day from week 5 to 10.


#6: Dbol and Test Stack

Testosterone enanthate (Test) is a proven muscle mass building steroid. However, it can have uncomfortable side effects, so while you can use a Dbol  and Test steroid stack and run the cycle below, you need to seek the help of an experienced trainer or bodybuilder to guide you along.

This cycle runs for 6 weeks with 20 mg of Dbol taken daily for 2 weeks, then increased to 25 mg per day for 4 weeks. Dbol is taken with 200 mg of Test administered weekly for the first 2 weeks, then the Test is increased to 300 mg per week from week 3 to 5 and further increased to 350 mg per week in the fifth week.

Note that you should use hepatoprotective drugs to help protect your liver from possible damage due to the hepatotoxicity of Dbol. Also, make sure to engage in Post-cycle therapy after each cycle.

Best Experienced Bodybuilder Steroids for Bulking

For more experienced bodybuilders, the best stacks of steroids for bulking include;

1. Trenbolone Enanthate and Testosterone Enanthate Stack:

A stack consisting of between 200 and 400 mg of Trenbolone enanthate (Tren) to be used per week along with between 500 to 1,200 mg of Testosterone enanthate (Test) also to be used weekly for a 6 to 8 week cycle.


2. Nandrolone Decanoate and Sustanon Stack:

You can stack up between 200 and 600 mg of Nandrolone (Decks) with between 500 to 1,200 mg of Sustanon (Joints) to be used weekly for a 6 to 8 week cycle.


3. Testosterone Enanthate and Boldenone Stack:

Use between 500 to 1,200 mg of Testosterone (Test) per week with between 400 and 800 mg of Boldenone (Boldy) also used weekly.

In Conclusion

You should remember that no matter which of the best steroid cycle for muscle gain or roids stack (mentioned in this post) that you choose to run, you should always engage in Post-cycle therapy (PCT). PCT will help to restore your normal hormonal levels after steroid use while also maintaining your muscle gains in the process.

Drugs such as Nolvadex and Clomid are usually recommended to restore normal testosterone production in your body after a cycle and during PCT. Steroids for bulking may be available as injectables or pills, you also need to use liver supplements and protection when using hepatotoxic oral roids like Dbol or Tbol to protect your liver from severe damage.

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