TEST S100 – Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml – 10ml/vial – A-Tech Labs


Within days of administering Testosterone base, significant muscle mass growth results. This is all thanks to its huge amount of ester-free testosterone which helps to quicken the process. Bodybuilders looking to increase their muscles mass and strength can never go wrong with this testosterone.

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SKU: TEST S100 - Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml - 10ml/vial - A-Tech Labs Categories: ,


  • Product and Laboratory: Suspension by A-Tech Labs
  • Effects: Rapid raw muscle mass increase, rapid strength increase
  • Ingredients: Testosterone
  • Form: Injection
  • Concentration: 100 mg/ml
  • Presentation: 1 vial of 10ml (Total 1000 mg)
  • Dosage: 400-1,000 mg per week for 4 weeks (or longer)
    Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female
    400-600mg per week for 4 weeks 600-800mg per week for 4 weeks 800-1,000mgper week for 4 weeks N/A
  • Protection during treatment: Anastrozole (Arimidex)
  • Pct post cycle therapy: 1 Clomid and 1 Nolvadex per day for 20 days
  • Stack: Can be used with any bulking agent and at a minimal level when cutting for hormonal protection.
  • Level: Suitable for all users

Benefits of Testosterone Base

Testosterone Base comes with numerous benefits that are fairly universal; this means that the product will benefit pretty much anybody who is in the process of achieving any form of physical goal. Mind you, even if you don’t have any aesthetic goals in mind, you could still utilize testosterone Base for health reasons. This is actually what this effective product was originally intended for.

A majority of people however, buy test propionate to serve various roles including:

  • Advancing muscular growth
  • Boosting sexual performance
  • Enhancing strength levels
  • Speeding muscular recovery
  • Promoting energy levels / a feeling of wellbeing
  • Enhancing fat burning
  • Serving as a protection against subjugated hormonal output
  • Enhancing anabolic atmosphere within your body and hence promoting effects of other anabolic items

All of the above and other progressive benefits of testosterone Base work together to deliver an amazingly strong platform for everything ranging from enhanced muscle growth to increased strength levels. Whilst this product would not normally appear in the cutting cycle, it often plays a critical role as part of any bulking cycle and even in between cycles as a way of sustaining hormonal output should the user run several cycles in rapid succession. It’s worth noting that testosterone Base can be used in cutting cycle; however, realistically, it can only be used at a base level for purposes of regulating hormonal levels rather than that of achieving significant anabolism.

Testosterone Base Dosage

With a short acting ester variant of testosterone like this, you may need to inject roughly once every 1 – 2 days to keep product concentration at optimal levels within the body. It’s safe to mention that testosterone injection dosages are fairly open to interpretation – and whilst there are certain guidelines kept in place, many users will differ in their “interpretation” of these guidelines basing on their level of experience. However, it’s important to note that the higher your dosages, the more the risks of encountering adverse side effects.
We can classify testosterone dosage into the following tiers:

  • Beginners need to inject a max 400-600 mg per week
  • Intermediate users will generally inject anywhere between 600-800 mg per week
  • Advanced level users will inject more per week depending on their size / level of experience with a majority injecting anywhere from 800 – 1,000mg or even more

Cycles typically last for 12-16 weeks in total.


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