If you are curious about explosive muscle growth, Deca Durabolin is one of your best solutions. When you perform the Deca Durabolin cycle in the right way, it will give you various benefits in terms of bodybuilding. It is available in an injectable form that promotes muscle mass growth and improves overall strength. It also enhances the recovery rate. It is a 19-nor compound and the most popular steroid over the past 30 years. Deca doesn’t produce estrogenic or androgenic side effects.
Deca Durabolin injection has a very low rate of aromatization, roughly around 20% of testosterone level. Deca stores alleviating joint pain and a little water in connective tissues. According to a study, Deca increases natural collagen synthesis and also increases your bone mineral levels. In this article, we will discuss Deca Durabolin dosage, cycle, results, and possible side effects.
#1. What Is Deca Durabolin?
Deca Durabolin is also known as Nandrolone. It is a testosterone-derived anabolic hormone with Decanoate ester attached to it. Deca is the most effective steroid for athletes because its therapeutic properties promote joint healing and reduce your pain. It has slightly up anabolic properties while significantly reducing androgenic. It is an excellent compound for mass building and produces retainable gains. You can buy deca Durabolin steroids online from the top reputable steroid website.
Deca Durabolin is a slow-acting steroid that controls the release of hormones over a two to three-week period. Deca Durabolin dosage 100 mg led to significant weight gain for AIDS patients suffering from weight loss. Deca can be used as a solo cycle, but bodybuilders and athletes stack it with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results. Deca is also used in HIV-positive patients to enhance their body’s immune functions. Deca produces high-quality weight gains, but you must use it for a minimum of 12 weeks.
#2. Benefits of Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is highly popular for bulking purposes. Bodybuilders and athletes use them because they give effective results and improve their physical strength and overall performance. When you follow recommended dosage of Deca, it will give you numerous benefits as mentioned below:
- Increase muscle mass
- Quick recovery rate
- Increase red blood cell count
- Increase collagen synthesis
- Boost your testosterone level
- Retain nitrogen level
- Improve overall strength
- Joint-Anti inflammatory
- Non-hepatotoxic effect
- Improve energy and strength
Initially, Deca was developed to use for various medical purposes such as:
- Chronic kidney disease
- Breast cancer
- Preserve lean mass in HIV/AIDS
- Osteoporosis (loss of bone tissues)
- Anemia
- Corticosteroids
- Other wasting syndromes
#3. How To Take Deca Durabolin?
You can perform a solo cycle of Deca, or you can stack them with other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol, Testosterone, and Anavar. It depends on which purpose you’re using. For example, If you use Deca for bulking purposes, you need to stack it with Dianabol or Anadrol or testosterone. Still, if you are using Deca for cutting, you have to take it with Anavar. You can take 200 mg to 400 mg per week. Advanced users can take 600 mg per week. But remember, high doses of Deca may cause numerous side effects. You can inject it once a week, and you must take it for a minimum of 12 weeks to get effective results.
#4. Deca Durabolin Cycle
As we said earlier, Deca is used for various purposes. So, its dosage and cycle depend on for what purpose you are using it. Here we will discuss all the possible Deca Durabolin cycles that you can use as per your requirement.
Deca Durabolin Isolated Cycle
Week | Testosterone Enanthate | Nandrolone |
Week 1 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 2 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 3 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 4 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 5 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 6 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 7 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 8 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 9 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 10 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 11 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Week 12 | 200 mg per week | 300-400 mg per week |
Deca Durabolin Bulking Cycle
Week | Testosterone Enanthate | Nandrolone | Dianabol | liver protection |
Week 1 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 2 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 3 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 4 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 5 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 6 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | 25 mg per day | 3 cap per day |
Week 7 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | N/A | N/A |
Week 8 | 100 mg per week | 400 mg per week | N/A | N/A |
Week 9 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Week 10 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Week 11 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Week 12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Deca Durabolin Cutting Cycle
Week | Testosterone Enanthate | Deca Durabolin | Anavar |
Week 1 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 2 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 3 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 4 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 5 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 6 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 7 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 8 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | N/A |
Week 9 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | 80 mg per day |
Week 10 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | 80 mg per day |
Week 11 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | 80 mg per day |
Week 12 | 200 mg per week | 200 mg per week | 80 mg per day |
Week 13 | N/A | N/A | 80 mg per day |
Week 14 | N/A | N/A | 80 mg per day |
Week 15 | N/A | N/A | 80 mg per day |
Week 16 | N/A | N/A | 80 mg per day |
#5. Deca Durabolin Post Cycle Therapy
It is necessary to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the cycle. This will help you to face a few side effects from anabolic steroids. PCT helps you to start the reproduction of natural testosterone levels and bring your body to its normal state. You can use various supplements such as Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG to perform PCT. You can take PCT dosage 3, 4 days after your last dose of Deca. If you are using a long-acting steroid, you have to take it after 14 to 21 days. Here is the best PCT cycle for you:
Week | Nolvadex | Clomid |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 2 | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 3 | 10 mg per day | 25 mg per day |
Week 4 | 10 mg per day | 25 mg per day |
#6. Deca Durabolin Possible Side Effects
Nandrolone is a slow-acting steroid, so you have to use it for a minimum of 12 weeks. But If you use them for a longer time period, it may cause various side effects. However, it is not necessary that you will face all the side effects because it depends on various factors like age, gender, dosage and cycle duration.
The purpose of writing about possible side effects is not to scare you, but we want to make you aware of this, and we strongly advise you to follow recommended doses with protection. Here are the possible side effects that you may face due to high doses or long term use of Deca:
- Increase the risk of cardiovascular
- Enlarged prostate
- Liver toxic
- Termination of bone growth
- Suppress testosterone
- Mood swings
- Increase acne
- Decrease HDL cholesterol (Good)
- Increase LDL cholesterol (Bad)
However, you can overcome all the above side effects with anti-estrogen products and by following the recommended dosage and don’t forget PCT. When you use Deca Durabolin smartly with the protection, you will get maximum results with very few or no side effects.
According to a study, high dose or prolonged use of Deca may cause various health issues. So, we always advise you to go for the correct dosage. You can buy deca Durabolin top-quality products from here. In the above article, we have explained all the necessary Deca dosage and cycle information.
If you still have any doubts about the Deca cycle, you can contact our professional coaching experts anytime. They will guide you through the best Deca cycle to achieve your goal.
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