Anavar is an anabolic steroid with a molecular structure derived from dihyrdotestosterone. It differs by the introduction of an oxygen atom replacing the 2 carbon and methylation at the 17 position. This gives Anavar a strong separation of anabolic and androgenic effects, making it perfect for lean mass gain. It displays as much as six times the anabolic activity of testosterone and significantly androgenic activity
It does no display any estrogenic or progestational activity making it very safe for both male and female users. It has a very high benefit to risk ratio and is not toxic to the liver.
- Dosage: 20-100mg/day
- Concentration: 10 mg/tab
- Type: Stabilization cycle firmness / Strength / Cure for woman
- Hepatotoxicity: Yes
- PCT: Clomid + Nolvadex during recovery: 1 each day for 20 days
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