Lévocarnitine 500 mg/ml (L-carnitine) 10 ml – Driada Medical


La L-Carnitine aide votre corps à brûler les graisses en déplaçant les acides gras à longue chaîne dans les mitochondries, où ils sont convertis en énergie.

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La description

L-Carnitine helps your body to efficiently use fat as its main source of energy. The main mechanism of its action is that it transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. This process involves several steps involving various enzymes and cellular structures, but in short, L-Carnitine helps us burn fat faster. Below, we take a closer look at the specific processes in which L-Carnitine is involved.


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Levocarnitine 500 mg/ml (L-carnitine) 10ml - Driada Medical